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// SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
//! Abstract Trees
//! This module provides the [`TreeLike`] trait which represents a node in a
//! tree, and several iterators over trees whose nodes implement this trait.
use crate::prelude::*;
use crate::sync::Arc;
/// Abstract node of a tree.
/// Tracks the arity (out-degree) of a node, which is the only thing that
/// is needed for iteration purposes.
pub enum Tree<T> {
/// Combinator with no children.
/// Combinator with one child.
/// Combinator with two children.
Binary(T, T),
/// Combinator with more than two children.
/// A trait for any structure which has the shape of a Miniscript tree.
/// As a general rule, this should be implemented on references to nodes,
/// rather than nodes themselves, because it provides algorithms that
/// assume copying is cheap.
/// To implement this trait, you only need to implement the [`TreeLike::as_node`]
/// method, which will usually be very mechanical. Everything else is provided.
/// However, to avoid allocations, it may make sense to also implement
/// [`TreeLike::n_children`] and [`TreeLike::nth_child`] because the default
/// implementations will allocate vectors for n-ary nodes.
pub trait TreeLike: Clone + Sized {
/// Interpret the node as an abstract node.
fn as_node(&self) -> Tree<Self>;
/// Accessor for the number of children this node has.
fn n_children(&self) -> usize {
match self.as_node() {
Tree::Nullary => 0,
Tree::Unary(..) => 1,
Tree::Binary(..) => 2,
Tree::Nary(children) => children.len(),
/// Accessor for the nth child of the node, if a child with that index exists.
fn nth_child(&self, n: usize) -> Option<Self> {
match (n, self.as_node()) {
(_, Tree::Nullary) => None,
(0, Tree::Unary(sub)) => Some(sub),
(_, Tree::Unary(..)) => None,
(0, Tree::Binary(sub, _)) => Some(sub),
(1, Tree::Binary(_, sub)) => Some(sub),
(_, Tree::Binary(..)) => None,
(n, Tree::Nary(children)) => children.get(n).cloned(),
/// Obtains an iterator of all the nodes rooted at the node, in pre-order.
fn pre_order_iter(self) -> PreOrderIter<Self> { PreOrderIter { stack: vec![self] } }
/// Obtains a verbose iterator of all the nodes rooted at the DAG, in pre-order.
/// See the documentation of [`VerbosePreOrderIter`] for more information about what
/// this does. Essentially, if you find yourself using [`Self::pre_order_iter`] and
/// then adding a stack to manually track which items and their children have been
/// yielded, you may be better off using this iterator instead.
fn verbose_pre_order_iter(self) -> VerbosePreOrderIter<Self> {
VerbosePreOrderIter { stack: vec![PreOrderIterItem::initial(self, None)], index: 0 }
/// Obtains an iterator of all the nodes rooted at the DAG, in post order.
/// Each node is only yielded once, at the leftmost position that it
/// appears in the DAG.
fn post_order_iter(self) -> PostOrderIter<Self> {
PostOrderIter { index: 0, stack: vec![IterStackItem::unprocessed(self, None)] }
/// Element stored internally on the stack of a [`PostOrderIter`].
/// This is **not** the type that is yielded by the [`PostOrderIter`];
/// in fact, this type is not even exported.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct IterStackItem<T> {
/// The element on the stack
elem: T,
/// Whether we have dealt with this item (and pushed its children,
/// if any) yet.
processed: bool,
/// If the item has been processed, the index of its children.
child_indices: Vec<usize>,
/// Whether the element is a left- or right-child of its parent.
parent_stack_idx: Option<usize>,
impl<T: TreeLike> IterStackItem<T> {
/// Constructor for a new stack item with a given element and relationship
/// to its parent.
fn unprocessed(elem: T, parent_stack_idx: Option<usize>) -> Self {
IterStackItem {
processed: false,
child_indices: Vec::with_capacity(elem.n_children()),
/// Iterates over a DAG in _post order_.
/// That means nodes are yielded in the order (left child, right child, parent).
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct PostOrderIter<T> {
/// The index of the next item to be yielded
index: usize,
/// A stack of elements to be yielded; each element is a node, then its left
/// and right children (if they exist and if they have been yielded already)
stack: Vec<IterStackItem<T>>,
/// A set of data yielded by a `PostOrderIter`.
pub struct PostOrderIterItem<T> {
/// The actual node data
pub node: T,
/// The index of this node (equivalent to if you'd called `.enumerate()` on
/// the iterator)
pub index: usize,
/// The indices of this node's children.
pub child_indices: Vec<usize>,
impl<T: TreeLike> Iterator for PostOrderIter<T> {
type Item = PostOrderIterItem<T>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
let mut current = self.stack.pop()?;
if !current.processed {
current.processed = true;
// When we first encounter an item, it is completely unknown; it is
// nominally the next item to be yielded, but it might have children,
// and if so, they come first
let current_stack_idx = self.stack.len();
let n_children = current.elem.n_children();
for idx in (0..n_children).rev() {
} else {
// The second time we encounter an item, we have dealt with its children,
// updated the child indices for this item, and are now ready to yield it
// rather than putting it back in the stack.
// Before yielding though, we must the item's parent's child indices with
// this item's index.
if let Some(idx) = current.parent_stack_idx {
self.index += 1;
Some(PostOrderIterItem {
node: current.elem,
index: self.index - 1,
child_indices: current.child_indices,
/// Iterates over a [`TreeLike`] in _pre order_.
/// Unlike the post-order iterator, this one does not keep track of indices
/// (this would be impractical since when we yield a node we have not yet
/// yielded its children, so we cannot know their indices). If you do need
/// the indices for some reason, the best strategy may be to run the
/// post-order iterator, collect into a vector, then iterate through that
/// backward.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct PreOrderIter<T> {
/// A stack of elements to be yielded. As items are yielded, their right
/// children are put onto the stack followed by their left, so that the
/// appropriate one will be yielded on the next iteration.
stack: Vec<T>,
impl<T: TreeLike> Iterator for PreOrderIter<T> {
type Item = T;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
// This algorithm is _significantly_ simpler than the post-order one,
// mainly because we don't care about child indices.
let top = self.stack.pop()?;
match top.as_node() {
Tree::Nullary => {}
Tree::Unary(next) => self.stack.push(next),
Tree::Binary(left, right) => {
Tree::Nary(children) => {
/// Iterates over a [`TreeLike`] in "verbose pre order", yielding extra state changes.
/// This yields nodes followed by their children, followed by the node *again*
/// after each child. This means that each node will be yielded a total of
/// (n+1) times, where n is its number of children.
/// The different times that a node is yielded can be distinguished by looking
/// at the [`PreOrderIterItem::n_children_yielded`] (which, in particular,
/// will be 0 on the first yield) and [`PreOrderIterItem::is_complete`] (which
/// will be true on the last yield) fields of the yielded item.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct VerbosePreOrderIter<T> {
/// A stack of elements to be yielded. As items are yielded, their right
/// children are put onto the stack followed by their left, so that the
/// appropriate one will be yielded on the next iteration.
stack: Vec<PreOrderIterItem<T>>,
/// The index of the next item to be yielded.
/// Note that unlike the [`PostOrderIter`], this value is not monotonic
/// and not equivalent to just using `enumerate` on the iterator, because
/// elements may be yielded multiple times.
index: usize,
impl<T: TreeLike + Clone> Iterator for VerbosePreOrderIter<T> {
type Item = PreOrderIterItem<T>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
// This algorithm is still simpler than the post-order one, because while
// we care about node indices, we don't care about their childrens' indices.
let mut top = self.stack.pop()?;
// If this is the first time we're be yielding this element, set its index.
if top.n_children_yielded == 0 {
top.index = self.index;
self.index += 1;
// Push the next child.
let n_children = top.node.n_children();
if top.n_children_yielded < n_children {
let child = top.node.nth_child(top.n_children_yielded).unwrap();
.push(PreOrderIterItem::initial(child, Some(top.node.clone())));
// Then yield the element.
/// A set of data yielded by a [`VerbosePreOrderIter`].
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct PreOrderIterItem<T> {
/// The actual element being yielded.
pub node: T,
/// The parent of this node. `None` for the initial node, but will be
/// populated for all other nodes.
pub parent: Option<T>,
/// The index when the element was first yielded.
pub index: usize,
/// How many of this item's children have been yielded.
/// This can also be interpreted as a count of how many times this
/// item has been yielded before.
pub n_children_yielded: usize,
/// Whether this item is done (will not be yielded again).
pub is_complete: bool,
impl<T: TreeLike + Clone> PreOrderIterItem<T> {
/// Creates a `PreOrderIterItem` which yields a given element for the first time.
/// Marks the index as 0. The index must be manually set before yielding.
fn initial(node: T, parent: Option<T>) -> Self {
PreOrderIterItem {
is_complete: node.n_children() == 0,
index: 0,
n_children_yielded: 0,
/// Creates a `PreOrderIterItem` which yields a given element again.
fn increment(self, n_children: usize) -> Self {
PreOrderIterItem {
node: self.node,
index: self.index,
parent: self.parent,
n_children_yielded: self.n_children_yielded + 1,
is_complete: self.n_children_yielded + 1 == n_children,