use std::io::Read;
use super::node_hash::NodeHash;
pub fn is_root_position(position: u64, num_leaves: u64, forest_rows: u8) -> bool {
let row = detect_row(position, forest_rows);
let root_present = num_leaves & (1 << row) != 0;
let root_pos = root_position(num_leaves, row, forest_rows);
root_present && root_pos == position
pub fn remove_bit(val: u64, bit: u64) -> u64 {
let mask = ((2 << bit) - 1) as u64;
let upper_mask = u64::MAX ^ mask;
let upper = val & upper_mask;
let mask = ((1 << bit) - 1) as u64;
let lower_mask = !(u64::MAX ^ mask);
let lower = val & lower_mask;
(upper >> 1) | lower
pub fn calc_next_pos(position: u64, del_pos: u64, forest_rows: u8) -> Result<u64, String> {
let del_row = detect_row(del_pos, forest_rows);
let pos_row = detect_row(position, forest_rows);
if del_row < pos_row {
return Err(format!(
"calc_next_pos fail: del_pos of {} is at a lower row than position at {}",
del_pos, position
let lower_bits = remove_bit(position, (del_row - pos_row) as u64);
let to_row = pos_row + 1;
let higher_bits = (1 << to_row) << (forest_rows - to_row) as u64;
Ok(higher_bits | lower_bits)
pub fn detwin(nodes: Vec<u64>, forest_rows: u8) -> Vec<u64> {
let mut dels_after = nodes;
let mut n = 0;
while (n + 1) < dels_after.len() {
let i = dels_after[n];
let j = dels_after[n + 1];
if is_right_sibling(i, j) {
dels_after.drain(n..n + 2);
dels_after = add_and_sort(dels_after, parent(i, forest_rows));
} else {
n += 1;
pub fn start_position_at_row(row: u8, forest_rows: u8) -> u64 {
(2 << forest_rows) - (2 << (forest_rows - row)) as u64
fn add_and_sort(mut vec: Vec<u64>, value: u64) -> Vec<u64> {
pub fn is_left_niece(position: u64) -> bool {
position & 1 == 0
pub fn left_sibling(position: u64) -> u64 {
(position | 1) ^ 1
pub fn roots_to_destroy(num_adds: u64, mut num_leaves: u64, orig_roots: &[NodeHash]) -> Vec<u64> {
let mut roots = orig_roots.to_vec();
let mut deleted = vec![];
let mut h = 0;
for add in 0..num_adds {
while (num_leaves >> h) & 1 == 1 {
let root = roots
.expect("If (num_leaves >> h) & 1 == 1, it must have at least one root left");
if root.is_empty() {
let root_pos =
root_position(num_leaves, h, tree_rows(num_leaves + (num_adds - add)));
h += 1;
num_leaves += 1;
pub fn num_roots(leaves: u64) -> usize {
leaves.count_ones() as usize
pub fn detect_row(pos: u64, forest_rows: u8) -> u8 {
let mut marker: u64 = 1 << forest_rows;
let mut h: u8 = 0;
while pos & marker != 0 {
marker >>= 1;
h += 1;
pub fn detect_offset(pos: u64, num_leaves: u64) -> (u8, u8, u64) {
let mut tr = tree_rows(num_leaves);
let nr = detect_row(pos, tr);
let mut bigger_trees: u8 = 0;
let mut marker = pos;
while (marker << nr) & ((2 << tr) - 1) >= (1 << tr) & num_leaves {
let tree_size = (1 << tr) & num_leaves;
if tree_size != 0 {
marker -= tree_size;
bigger_trees += 1;
tr -= 1;
(bigger_trees, tr - nr, !marker)
pub fn children(pos: u64, forest_rows: u8) -> u64 {
let mask = (2 << forest_rows) - 1;
(pos << 1) & mask
pub fn left_child(pos: u64, forest_rows: u8) -> u64 {
children(pos, forest_rows)
pub fn right_child(pos: u64, forest_rows: u8) -> u64 {
children(pos, forest_rows) + 1
pub fn is_root_populated(row: u8, num_leaves: u64) -> bool {
(num_leaves >> row) & 1 == 1
pub fn max_position_at_row(row: u8, total_rows: u8, num_leaves: u64) -> Result<u64, String> {
Ok(parent_many(num_leaves, row, total_rows)?.saturating_sub(1))
pub fn parent(pos: u64, forest_rows: u8) -> u64 {
(pos >> 1) | (1 << forest_rows)
pub fn read_u64<Source: Read>(buf: &mut Source) -> Result<u64, String> {
let mut bytes = [0u8; 8];
buf.read_exact(&mut bytes)
.map_err(|_| "Failed to read u64")?;
pub fn tree_rows(n: u64) -> u8 {
if n == 0 {
return 0;
(64 - (n - 1).leading_zeros()) as u8
pub fn root_position(num_leaves: u64, row: u8, forest_rows: u8) -> u64 {
let mask = (2 << forest_rows) - 1;
let before = num_leaves & (mask << (row + 1));
let shifted = (before >> row) | (mask << (forest_rows + 1 - row));
shifted & mask
pub fn parent_many(pos: u64, rise: u8, forest_rows: u8) -> Result<u64, String> {
if rise == 0 {
return Ok(pos);
if rise > forest_rows {
return Err(format!(
"Cannot rise more than the forestRows: rise: {} forest_rows: {}",
rise, forest_rows
let mask = ((2_u64 << forest_rows) - 1) as u64;
Ok((pos >> rise | (mask << (forest_rows - (rise - 1)) as u64)) & mask)
pub fn is_ancestor(higher_pos: u64, lower_pos: u64, forest_rows: u8) -> Result<bool, String> {
if higher_pos == lower_pos {
return Ok(false);
let lower_row = detect_row(lower_pos, forest_rows);
let higher_row = detect_row(higher_pos, forest_rows);
if higher_row < lower_row {
return Ok(false);
let ancestor = parent_many(lower_pos, higher_row - lower_row, forest_rows)?;
Ok(higher_pos == ancestor)
pub fn is_right_sibling(node: u64, next: u64) -> bool {
node | 1 == next
fn is_sibling(a: u64, b: u64) -> bool {
a ^ 1 == b
pub fn get_proof_positions(targets: &[u64], num_leaves: u64, forest_rows: u8) -> Vec<u64> {
let mut proof_positions = vec![];
let mut computed_positions = targets.to_vec();
for row in 0..=forest_rows {
let mut row_targets = computed_positions
.filter(|x| super::util::detect_row(*x, forest_rows) == row)
while let Some(node) = {
if is_root_position(node, num_leaves, forest_rows) {
if let Some(next) = row_targets.peek() {
if !is_sibling(node, *next) {
proof_positions.push(node ^ 1);
} else {;
} else {
proof_positions.push(node ^ 1);
computed_positions.push(parent(node, forest_rows));
#[cfg(any(test, bench))]
pub fn hash_from_u8(value: u8) -> NodeHash {
use bitcoin_hashes::sha256;
use bitcoin_hashes::Hash;
use bitcoin_hashes::HashEngine;
let mut engine = bitcoin_hashes::sha256::Hash::engine();
mod tests {
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::vec;
use super::roots_to_destroy;
use crate::accumulator::node_hash::NodeHash;
use crate::accumulator::util::children;
use crate::accumulator::util::tree_rows;
fn test_proof_pos() {
let unsorted = vec![33, 35, 32, 34, 50, 52];
let sorted = vec![33, 35, 32, 34, 50, 52];
let num_leaves = 32_u64;
let num_rows = tree_rows(num_leaves);
super::get_proof_positions(&unsorted, num_leaves, num_rows),
super::get_proof_positions(&sorted, num_leaves, num_rows)
fn test_is_sibling() {
assert!(super::is_sibling(0, 1));
assert!(super::is_sibling(1, 0));
assert!(!super::is_sibling(1, 2));
assert!(!super::is_sibling(2, 1));
fn test_root_position() {
let pos = super::root_position(5, 2, 3);
assert_eq!(pos, 12);
let pos = super::root_position(5, 0, 3);
assert_eq!(pos, 4);
fn test_is_right_sibling() {
assert!(super::is_right_sibling(0, 1));
fn test_roots_to_destroy() {
let roots = [
let roots = roots
.map(|hash| NodeHash::from_str(hash).unwrap())
let deleted = roots_to_destroy(1, 15, &roots);
assert_eq!(deleted, vec![22, 28])
fn test_remove_bit() {
let res = super::remove_bit(11, 2);
assert_eq!(res, 7);
let res = super::remove_bit(10, 0);
assert_eq!(res, 5);
let res = super::remove_bit(14, 1);
assert_eq!(res, 6);
fn test_detwin() {
let targets: Vec<u64> = vec![0, 1, 4, 5, 7];
let targets = super::detwin(targets, 3);
assert_eq!(targets, vec![7, 8, 10]);
let targets = vec![4, 6, 8, 9];
let targets = super::detwin(targets, 3);
assert_eq!(targets, vec![4, 6, 12]);
fn test_tree_rows() {
assert_eq!(super::tree_rows(8), 3);
assert_eq!(super::tree_rows(9), 4);
assert_eq!(super::tree_rows(12), 4);
assert_eq!(super::tree_rows(255), 8);
fn row_offset(row: u8, forest_rows: u8) -> u64 {
(2 << forest_rows) - (2 << (forest_rows - row))
fn test_detect_row() {
for forest_rows in 1..63 {
let top_pos = (2 << forest_rows) - 2;
let row_result = super::detect_row(top_pos, forest_rows);
assert_eq!(row_result, forest_rows);
for row in 0..forest_rows {
let pos = row_offset(row, forest_rows);
let row_result = super::detect_row(pos, forest_rows);
assert_eq!(row, row_result);
fn test_get_proof_positions() {
let targets: Vec<u64> = vec![4, 5, 7, 8];
let num_leaves = 8;
let targets =
super::get_proof_positions(&targets, num_leaves, super::tree_rows(num_leaves));
assert_eq!(vec![6, 9], targets);
fn test_is_root_position() {
let h = super::is_root_position(14, 8, 3);
fn test_children_pos() {
assert_eq!(children(4, 2), 0);
assert_eq!(children(49, 5), 34);
assert_eq!(children(50, 5), 36);
assert_eq!(children(44, 5), 24);
fn test_calc_next_pos() {
let res = super::calc_next_pos(0, 1, 3);
assert_eq!(Ok(8), res);
let res = super::calc_next_pos(1, 9, 3);
assert_eq!(Ok(9), res);